Naming schema (EifelRur Observatory)

For example site WU_AW_014
Index Description
WU Abbreviation for the measurement station
AW Type of the measurement station
014 Number to distinguish station of same test site and type
Abbreviation for the site
Abbreviation Site
ER Erkensruhr
ME Merzenhausen
RO Rollesbroich
RU Rur
SE Selhausen
WU Wuestebach
DD Dedelow
Observation types
Abbreviation Observation
A Discharge
B Soil
C Cosmic Ray
D Deposition
EC Eddy Covariance
G Groundwater
K Climate
W Water quality
Y Lysimeter

According to the naming schema, the location of site WU_AW_014 is at the Wuestebach test site and discharge and water quality is observed.